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Medical Dermatology


Dr. Michael I. JacobsWhen it comes to taking care of your health, you probably first think of eating a balanced diet, drinking plenty of water, and working out regularly. However, taking the best care of your body does not just focus on the inside. Your skin is your largest organ, and it is imperative to take care of it. While it is important to practice regular skincare treatments, protecting your skin from environmental and other lifestyle factors can be difficult. The field of medical dermatology helps ensure you and your skin are as healthy and safe as possible. Learn more during a consultation with our team at the office of Dr. Michael I. Jacobs in New York, NY!

What Is Medical Dermatology?

Medical dermatology refers to a branch of medical care dedicated to the protection, preservation, and care of your body’s largest organ. It encompasses blemishes, irregularities, rashes, and more. Commonly treated concerns include:

Melanoma refers to one of the most common – and dangerous – forms of cancer. It most commonly develops in existing moles, but may appear as a growth on the skin.

When Should I Seek the Care of a Specialist?

No one knows your skin better than you do. It is important to consistently monitor your skin for any potential changes. Keep a particularly close eye on any moles or other markings on your skin to note any changes. Most notable changes in moles to look for are:

If you have started to notice any dramatic changes, it is critical to visit with a medical dermatology professional as soon as possible. Our qualified team led by Dr. Jacobs can help you examine and understand your skin. A proactive approach can make all of the difference for your health.

Why Is It Important?

There are many factors and conditions that can affect the skin. If untreated, many of these conditions may have a serious impact on health and general well-being. However, early detection can make all of the difference in protecting your skin and health.

Medical dermatology care can help you take a proactive approach to your health. You likely visit a dentist on a minimum of an annual basis to monitor your teeth for changes – why shouldn’t you do the same for your skin?

Schedule Your Consultation!

Is it time for you to learn more about the skin you are in? Contact us today at the office of Dr. Michael I. Jacobs and schedule your consultation to learn more about medical dermatology! Our team proudly serves you from New York, New York, and we are committed to being your partner in promoting optimal skin health.

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