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How Does TruSculpt Melt Away the Fat?

Have you ever wished that stubborn fat would just melt away? Believe it or not, there is a fat removal system that does just that. TruSculpt, a cosmetic treatment offered by Dr. Michael I. Jacobs in New York, NY, relies on radiofrequency to heat fat cells under the skin, causing them to melt away after just one easy, non-invasive session. This treatment effortlessly rids the body of patches of excess fat and involves no downtime. It’s a great solution for problem areas that have resisted diet and exercise.

How Does TruSculpt Melt Away Fat?

Fat-busting doesn’t get much easier than this. During your session, an applicator will be glided comfortably over your skin in the treatment area and will direct monopolar radiofrequency heat toward the targeted fat cells. Once the heat reaches those fat cells–the ones layered between your skin and the underlying muscle–it alters their structure, essentially liquefying them.

Your body’s lymphatic system then naturally flushes those fat cells away over the next two to three months. This comfortable treatment is performed in our office and requires no anesthesia and no advance preparation. It may take a little time for your results to appear, but it will be worth the wait.

You’ll start to notice that the treatment area seems a little less fatty and more sculpted in the first weeks following your session. Your full results won’t be fully evident for another couple of months when those fat cells have finally been flushed away. Patients see an overage 24% fat reduction, and the skin in the treatment is visibly tightened.

Do Other Treatments Melt Fat?

Contouring treatments like TruSculpt have soared in popularity in recent years, and several of them use heat to essentially melt fat cells that then gradually fade from your body. Some of the other treatments use lasers to attack the fat, and still others take the opposite approach and freeze or manipulate the fat in ways that kill it off. A significant advantage of TruSculpt is that most patients require just one treatment while some other body contouring techniques require patients to come back for multiple appointments.

Body contouring treatments in general are popular because they are both effective and convenient. They help patients get rid of unwanted fat that has not responded to traditional weight loss and exercise regimens. But the treatments are also easy to fit into a busy schedule. They tend to be non-invasive sessions that can be performed in a physician’s practice. Some can even be fit into a lunch hour. In decades past, surgery would have been the primary option for these patients, but body contouring has made it easier for clients to get the results they want without the hassle and downtime of a hospital stay.

Body Contouring Treatments: Safe and Effective

Fat-melting body contouring treatments are safe, effective, and carry no risk. TruSculpt won FDA approval in 2018 and has been widely used ever since. The applicator that is used is constantly monitoring the treatment’s heat level to ensure that the skin temperature of your body never gets too high.

The fat cells that body contouring treatments attack are permanently destroyed and will never return, so your results will be permanent. It will be up to you, though, to maintain your results through diet, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle. Although the problematic fat cells in your treatment area will be gone, it will still be possible for you to gain weight, minimizing your results.

Removing fat cells from one part of the body might help reshape that area and smooth away a bulge, but these treatments won’t necessarily result in a significant drop in your overall weight. Some patients do lose a little bit of weight as a result of these treatments, but if general weight loss is what you’re really after, engaging in regular diet and exercise is the best approach.

Who Do These Treatments Work Best for?

Treatments like this one are ideal for patients who have problem spots that they’ve unsuccessfully tried to address on their own. We’re talking about the spots that just won’t come off no matter how many hours you spend at the gym and how carefully you diet. Body contouring treatments help get rid of these problem areas, giving your body a better shape and more contour in the process. For many patients, body contouring offers even better results than weight loss, which results in a loss of fat all over. With body contouring, you can keep the curves you want and get rid of the fatty spots you don’t want.

Do They Help With Cellulite?

Body contouring treatments are not designed to address cellulite in particular. Cellulite is caused not just by the existence of fat, but by the way it bunches around the fibrous bands that connect the skin to the underlying muscle, creating a dimpling effect on the skin’s surface. As a result, simply getting rid of fat and fat cells won’t automatically fix cellulite. However, for some patients, body contouring treatments can help minimize the look of cellulite.

What Sets TruSculpt Apart From Other Contouring Treatments?


Patients find this treatment to be a little more convenient than all the others. It only takes about 15 minutes to treat each area of concern, so even if you have 2 or 3 spots you’d like to address, you’ll still be done in less than an hour. There’s also no downtime or recovery period, so you’ll be able to get right back to your busy day. Most of our patients only require one treatment, although if you feel like you could use another session after your results become apparent, we can certainly schedule one.

Tighter Skin

This treatment does more than target unwanted fat, it also leaves the skin tighter and more youthful in appearance. This is a significant advantage because in patients with less elastic skin, removing excess fat leaves them with a saggy area of skin, so they’re essentially trading one cosmetic problem for another. Thanks to the skin tightening benefit of this treatment, you can rest assured that your problem spots will be resolved, and the skin in the area will be left smooth, taut, and defined.

An Option for Heavier Patients

A lot of the other body contouring options are best for patients with a BMI of 30 or below, but this treatment is also effective for heavier clients. TruSculpt works for patients of all shapes and sizes, but if you have a BMI over 30, this may be a particularly good option.

Why You Should Consider This Treatment

You Want an Easy, Comfortable Treatment

Patients say they can feel the gentle warmth associated with this treatment, but it’s not an uncomfortable process for most patients.

You Want to Treat a Large Area

Up to six applicators can be used simultaneously during your treatment, which makes it possible for an entire swath of your body to be addressed at once. This treatment can address problem spots all over your body, including the tummy, lower back, thighs, butt, upper arms, abdomen, and even the fat that builds up around the knees.

You Want Treatment Tailored to Your Needs

Every patient has different esthetic concerns. For some, it’s a muffin top, and for others, it’s the extra fat around the bra line. This is a flexible treatment that can be easily customized to meet your needs, whether you have one area of concern or many.

You Want Better Physical and Emotional Health

Let’s face it. Getting rid of that extra fat is good for you and your body. Many patients say they feel healthier and are able to take on more active lifestyles once they’ve gotten rid of the fatty problem spots that have been holding them back. You’ll also feel more confident about yourself and your appearance. Getting dressed in the morning will be fun again, and you won’t feel so self-conscious about wearing your swimsuit in public.

Is This Treatment Really Right for Me?

There’s a good chance this treatment is perfect for you. Patients with all skin tones and types have successfully undergone this radiofrequency treatment. Being in good overall health and being able to commit to a long-term healthy lifestyle also help.

Are You In Good Health?

The best patients are in good overall health. Patients with serious underlying medical conditions and those who are pregnant may not be ideal candidates for this treatment.

Can You Commit to Long-Term Healthy Practices?

This treatment permanently kills off fat cells, but it doesn’t prevent you from gaining weight in the future. Patients should be motivated to maintain their results through regular exercise, adhering to a conscientious diet, and making other healthy lifestyle choices.

Are You Realistic About Expectations?

An important criterion that we look for in patients is emotional maturity. It helps if the patient is mature enough to handle the changes that cosmetic treatment can bring. It also helps if they’re realistic about the likely treatment outcome and understand that results will be more subtle than an invasive surgical procedure.

How Can I Get Started?

We ask patients interested in this treatment to first schedule a consultation. This will give us a chance to get to know you and learn about the areas you’re concerned about. We’ll use this appointment to review your medical history and any prescriptions you’re taking. We’ll also evaluate the spots that are bothering you and determine whether this is the best treatment option. Patients sometimes ask about combining this treatment with other cosmetic services, and we can talk about treatment combinations during your consultation if this is something that interests you.

Dr. Michael I. Jacobs is a Board-Certified dermatologist who earned his undergraduate degree from New York University and his medical degree from Weill Cornell Medical College. In addition to our practice, Dr. Jacobs serves as an Associate Attending Dermatologist at New York Presbyterian Hospital and The Hospital for Special Surgery as well as Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology at Weill Cornell Medical College. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology and the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery and a member of the American College of Rheumatology.

Get the Body You’ve Long Wanted

If you’ve tried diets, exercise routines, and other weight-loss strategies but you still have annoying fatty areas that just won’t go away, this revolutionary fat-busting treatment could be just what you need. TruSculpt is not too good to be true. It can safely melt away your fat, leaving you with the slim, sculpted body you’ve been working toward. Call Dr. Michael I. Jacobs in New York, NY today and schedule a TruSculpt consultation.

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