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How Kybella Targets a Double Chin


Body sculpting is generally known as a way to shed a few pounds around the waist and tone the abdomen; however, with Kybella® treatment at the office of Dr. Michael I. Jacobs in NYC, other parts of the body can be treated too. For example, Kybella® can be used to correct a double chin. Continue reading to learn a little bit about body contouring and how Kybella® works.

What is Kybella®?

Kybella® uses a synthetic type of deoxycholic acid to melt the fat. Other forms of body contouring use equipment that emits extreme heat or cold. The treatment only takes about 20 minutes, and it is administered as an injection in the treatment area. It has helped thousands of people get rid of double chin since it was approved for use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2015. It is one of the best non-surgical methods to remove fat around the neck and correct double chin.

Before Your Kybella® Treatment

You should discuss your medical history with a doctor or other qualified professional who has an understanding of Kybella®. Be sure to discuss any other cosmetic surgeries you have had performed as well, especially any around the head, neck, or face. If you could be or are pregnant you should also tell our doctor before you begin the procedure.

Seek a Consultation Now

If you have questions about Kybella®, we warmly invite you to reach out and make an appointment with the office of Dr. Michael I. Jacobs. At our convenient location in New York, we can help you understand the ins-and-outs of the Kybella® injections and help you understand the differences between it and other forms of body contouring. Contact us today to set up your consultation – we look forward to speaking with you and helping you achieve your goals!

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