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How Long Does Acne Treatment Take?

Acne doesn’t discriminate and instead often affects men in women from their teenage years well into adulthood. If you’re suffering from this embarrassing and confidence-draining skin condition, we can help. At  Dr. Michael I. Jacobs Dermatology and Laser Surgery in New York, NY, we offer an effective treatment that works by eliminating active blemishes and preventing future breakouts.

How Long Does Acne Treatment Take?

If you’re suffering from acne, you’ve probably tried a number of different treatments in an attempt to clear and improve your skin. If you’ve found that nothing works, at least how you’d like it to, we want to introduce you to a treatment that will. At Dr. Michael I. Jacobs Dermatology and Laser Surgery, we offer Forever Clear BBL, a treatment specifically designed to target and eliminate blemishes and also improve the health and quality of your skin.

Once you begin treatment sessions and commit to the treatment plan recommended by your technician, you can expect to see immediate improvements in your skin and gradual improvement over time.

A Quick and Effective Treatment Process

This quick treatment takes anywhere from two to ten minutes to complete, and within a few months, you can expect to notice drastic improvements in your skin. Since different patients suffer from varying degrees of breakouts, results will vary based on their unique treatment plans and the condition of their skin at the time of treatment.

When you come in for your initial consultation, your technician can evaluate your skin in person, make treatment recommendations, and then give you a better idea of what your results will look like and when you can expect them.

What Is Forever Clear BBL?

Forever Clear BBL is a quick and effective light-based acne treatment that targets this skin condition at the source. It uses an IPL device which stands for intense pulsed light, to reach beyond the skin’s surface into the deeper layers to promote healing, skin cell regeneration, and clearer skin.

How Does It Work?

This light-based treatment uses a combination of blue, yellow, and infra-red light to target blemishes and reduces the redness, irritation, and inflammation commonly associated with acne. Its advanced technology treats skin imperfections both on the skin’s surface and those that extend into the deeper layers. By using a combination of light-based technology, it can destroy bacteria, reduce inflammation, and even treat acne scars.

Blue Light

Blue light is known for its anti-bacterial properties. It’s so effective at treating and eliminating blemishes because it targets and breaks down the bacteria in the blemish, promoting clearer skin. Those who suffer from regular breakouts often have bacteria in the deeper layers of the skin that causes those breakouts. The blue light will kill that bacteria and eliminate it to keep your skin clear and break out free.

Yellow Light

After your technician applies the blue light, she will then apply the yellow light will to your skin to reduce inflammation. Skin that’s prone to breakouts is often red and inflamed, but yellow light soothes the skin and promotes a healthy glow while also preventing new breakouts from forming.

Infrared Light

The final step that light-based technology uses during the treatment involves the application of infrared light to the skin. Infrared light helps promote collagen production, reduces inflammation, and forces the body to respond with a healing reaction that can also help eliminate scars that have resulted from past breakouts.

Treatment FAQ’s

What Does the Treatment Feel Like?

During the treatment process, expect to feel a warming sensation as the device passes back and forth across your skin, delivering different forms of light-based technology to perfect your complexion. That warming sensation may continue for 30 to 60 minutes after your treatment is complete, but you won’t have to worry about any pain during the treatment. It’s a comfortable process that will help you achieve beautiful, clear, glowing skin.

Is There Any Downtime?

Once your treatment is over, you won’t have to plan around downtime, and you can resume all your normal daily activities without worrying about interfering with your treatment results. While you will not have to focus on extensive post-care instructions, you should wear sunscreen following your treatment to protect your skin against the sun’s damaging UV rays.

Total recovery time ranges anywhere from two to five days, and your technician will provide you with details about any aftercare instructions you should follow during that time period.

Will I Need Numbing Cream?

You will not need any topical anesthetic before undergoing this treatment. The entire process is painless with minimal to no discomfort. You can lay back and relax during the treatment knowing that you will be one step closer to clearer, healthier-looking skin once it’s over.

How Long Do Treatments Take?

A typical treatment takes anywhere from two to ten minutes based on the surface area of your planned treatment area and the size of the area you want to treat. When you meet with one of our technicians, we can customize your treatment plan and give you a better idea of your unique treatment time.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

Most patients need anywhere from four to six treatments to achieve the best results. Treatment plans will look different for different patients based on the state of their skin and their ultimate treatment goals. Your technician will give you more details about what you can expect from your treatment plan and when you should schedule your treatments so that you can achieve the best results.

When Will I See Improvements in My Skin?

While you may see some initial results immediately following your treatment, the best results appear within seven to ten days of your initial treatment. This light-based technology will help reduce inflammation and clear your skin, both treating existing blemishes and preventing future breakouts. You’ll see a gradual improvement in your skin over time, and your skin will continue to improve with every treatment you schedule.

Enhancing Your Results

One of the best ways to complement any acne treatment plan is by making healthy lifestyle choices. Eliminating processed foods, sugary foods, and even dairy and gluten can help promote clear, healthy, inflammation-free skin. Additionally, keeping your skin from getting dehydrated, drinking plenty of water to flush out toxins, avoiding touching your face, and regularly changing your pillowcase can help keep your skin free of both excess bacteria and blemishes.

Am I a Treatment Candidate?

Teenagers and adults who suffer from recurrent breakouts or chronic acne can begin a treatment plan with Forever Clear BBL treatments to help improve their skin and maintain the clearest skin possible.

If you’re interested in learning more about the treatment process and whether Forever Clear BBL is right for you, our experts can evaluate your skin during an initial consultation. During this consultation, we can create a treatment plan that helps you achieve the best results and effectively clear your skin.

You Want a Solution That Works

If you’re tired of topical products and oral medications designed to treat breakouts that don’t effectively improve your skin, you’re not alone. Men and women spend thousands of dollars on treatments that promise to help treat and prevent breakouts, only to be disappointed when another blemish pops up. Oral medications can wreak havoc on your liver, especially when taking long-term.

Plus, most top oral medications are associated with dangerous side effects that can cause more harm to your body than good. Topical products can work to some degree but often dry your skin out, making it worse in the long run.

You Want a Safe Solution

Forever Clear BBL is a quick and effective way to combat breakouts, target the acne bacteria that causes breakouts at the source deep in your pores, and help prevent future breakouts. If you want a solution that works and will finally help you feel more confident in your complexion, you may be the perfect candidate for forever clear BBL. You can stop using those topical solutions that aren’t improving your skin and instead schedule a treatment that will.

Experience Clear, Glowing Skin

You don’t have to live with blemishes. There is a solution that can help restore your confidence in your complexion, and we offer it right here at our office. Clear, glowing, and healthier-looking skin is within your reach. Contact us today at Dr. Michael I. Jacobs Dermatology and Laser Surgery in New York, NY, to learn more about Forever Clear BBL and if it’s right for you.

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