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Is Vivace Right for Me?

Collagen is vital for youthful skin, but your body begins to produce less collagen as you age, and you have two choices. You can resign to live with the signs of aging, or you can take action. At Dr. Michael I. Jacobs Dermatology and Laser Center in New York, NY, we have the perfect solution that can help you fight against collagen loss, and it’s called Vivace.

Is Vivace Right for Me?

Vivace is a revolutionary skincare treatment that can help improve the skin by stimulating natural collagen production. If you have begun to notice skin imperfections, fine lines and wrinkles, uneven skin tone, or that your skin looks dull and doesn’t radiate youth like it once did, you may be an ideal candidate for this treatment. This treatment can also help those who want to address skin laxity, tighten their skin, minimize pores, and experience immediate results.

This treatment is an effective solution for those who aren’t ready to commit to invasive skincare treatments to achieve results but do want to improve their skin with a pain-free treatment that requires minimal downtime. It is also a good option for those who want to improve their skin naturally and rely on their body’s natural healing and regenerative abilities.

What Is Vivace?

Vivace is a skincare treatment that combines microneedling and radiofrequency energy to improve the skin on multiple levels. Radiofrequency energy has become the gold standard in skincare treatments because it uses heat energy to increase collagen production in the deeper layers of the skin.

Microneedling also forces the body to create more collagen and elastin and help restore youth, minimize the appearance of lines and wrinkles, and add volume to the skin naturally.

How Does It Work?

Numbing Your Skin

When you arrive for your treatment, your technician will apply a topical numbing cream to ensure that you don’t feel any pain during treatment. The treatment device contains 36 gold-tipped needles that create micro-injuries on your skin’s surface. This process ultimately forces your body to repair those injuries through increased collagen production. However, the numbing cream will ensure that you don’t feel these needles as they penetrate the skin’s surface.

It will take approximately 30 to 45 minutes for the topical numbing solution to numb your skin, and then your technician will begin the treatment session. You will feel some pressure or a warm sensation during treatment, but you won’t feel any pain.

Microneedling and Radiofrequency Energy

Your technician will place the device on your skin to begin the treatment, and the microneedling process will begin. This device is equipped with a motor that allows the device to stamp the gold-tipped needles into the skin in repetitive motions.

At the same time, the device will send radiofrequency energy into your skin to heat the deeper layers and increase collagen production. Radiofrequency energy also helps increase elastin production, which helps improve skin elasticity and combats loose or sagging skin.

The PRP Difference

At our office, we take Vivace to the next level by adding PRP to the treatment. PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma and is derived from the blood. PRP contains healing properties, regenerative qualities, and growth factors that can help transform your skin in a natural yet effective way. In order to use PRP during the treatment, we must first obtain it from your blood.

Obtaining the PRP

To obtain your PRP, we will perform a standard blood draw, and your blood will then be placed in a device called a centrifuge, which will spin the blood for several minutes to separate the PRP from the rest of the blood.

Then, your technician will apply the PRP solution to the treatment area, and your skin will absorb all of the healing properties. It will help heal damaged tissue and improve your skin. Using PRP in combination with Vivace allows it to reach deep into the skin at the collagen level to help improve your skin from the inside out.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is There Any Downtime?

There is very minimal downtime associated with this treatment. You can resume your normal activities after your appointment, but there are some directives you must follow to ensure the best results. As with most skincare treatments, you must avoid excess sun exposure after your appointment. The sun emits harmful rays that age and damage your skin, so you must wear sunscreen whenever you are exposed to the sun.

You must avoid washing your face or applying certain topical products and moisturizers for 24 hours after your treatment. You should also avoid applying makeup, including lipstick or other cosmetics, in the treatment area for 24 hours. After your appointment is complete, your technician will provide you with a complete list of directives so you know exactly how to care for your skin after your treatment.

Is It Safe?

This treatment offers patients a safe and effective way to combat aging the natural way. If you don’t want to undergo invasive skincare treatments or aren’t ready to commit to cosmetic injectables, this treatment will deliver natural yet dramatic results using methods that stimulate your body’s healing processes. These treatments initiate a healing process within your body, and they also rely on your body for results.

Microneedling works by creating micro-channels in the skin, and the body perceives those micro-channels as injuries and responds by healing the skin. Radiofrequency energy simply heats the deeper layers of the skin to promote collagen and elastin production. PRP is especially safe because not only does it rely on your body for results, but since PRP comes from your blood, you don’t have to worry about an adverse or allergic reaction.

How Long Do Treatments Take?

You can expect your treatment to take anywhere from one to two hours from start to finish. The total treatment time will depend on how quickly your skin becomes numb and whether you want to treat multiple areas. It can take 30 to 45 minutes for the numbing solution to take effect, and the treatment itself takes approximately 45 minutes to complete.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

When we create your treatment plan during an initial consultation, we will determine how many treatments you will need to achieve your desired results. Some patients are happy with their results after one treatment; others with more severe lines and wrinkles or problematic skin conditions may need more sessions to achieve their desired results. Typically, we recommend that patients schedule a series of three treatments with four to six weeks between each for the most dramatic results.

How Long Do Results Last?

Once you undergo the necessary number of treatments to achieve your desired results, your body will continue to increase collagen production for at least six months post-treatment. Many patients enjoy results for one or more years after completing the recommended number of treatments. During an initial consultation, we will create the perfect treatment plan to help you reach your skincare goals and enjoy your results for the longest amount of time.

What Are the Benefits?

Patients love this treatment because it offers all of the benefits of microneedling, radiofrequency energy, and PRP. It uses three powerful techniques to stimulate collagen production and tighten and firm the skin.

It also helps improve your appearance by creating a more even skin tone, healing skin imperfections, and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It restores youth to the skin and helps you target aging and other problematic skin conditions in a completely natural yet powerfully effective way.

Experience the Power of Vivace

Your body is fully capable of healing and restoring youthful skin; it just needs a little help, and Vivace treatments give your body everything it needs to heal, repair, and restore. If you’re ready to experience a natural yet dramatic skin transformation, we can help. Contact us today at Dr. Michael I. Jacobs Dermatology and Laser Center in New York, NY, to schedule your initial consultation and learn more about this powerful anti-aging treatment.

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