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What Does Kybella Do to Fat Cells?

Whether you call it extra padding, a double-chin, or submental fat (the medical term), the looseness you see under your chin is completely normal. It’s also an unwanted accessory that causes angst for many people. But no longer do you have to hide behind turtlenecks or fear your appearance in pictures and real life. At the office of Dr. Michael I. Jacobs in New York, NY, we have a solution that is at once safe, effective, and reliable: Kybella.

What Does Kybella Do to Fat Cells?

We could answer rather simply that Kybella (KB) kills fat cells, and that might be the end of our discussion. But to truly appreciate this life-changing treatment, it’s necessary that you more fully understand its functions.

Understand the Fundamentals

Let’s start with the basics. Non-surgical and relatively straightforward, KB gets injected directly into tissues beneath the chin. This is where submental fat is stored and, in excess, can take away from the sharp, well-defined nature of your jawline.

Unlike many treatments that work against the body and deliver unreliable results, KB harnesses your body’s natural ability to destroy cells. The potent combination of an injectable treatment and internal processes can restore your firm contours quickly and effectively.

The Magic Behind the Science

We loosely use the word “magic” here because KB is in fact rooted in science. The ingredient that pulls it all together is deoxycholic acid, a bile acid that occurs naturally in the body to absorb and eliminate fat during the metabolic process. The human body, however, does not produce enough of this acid on its own, and even if it does, you cannot be assured of which areas the acid will target. Meaning, you cannot predict how your body will burn fat.

KB includes a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid that targets precise pockets of fat to destroy and melt extra padding. We can inject KB into the exact area it is needed to deliver the results you crave. This means it predictably dissolves fat directly under your chin to help you look and feel your best.

The Nature of Fat Storage

Body fat gets stored in specialized fat cells. Many people believe that losing weight means a loss of these cells and, likewise, weight gain is a production of new fat cells. But these beliefs are nothing more than myths. Instead, weight gain is the result of specialized cells storing more fat. Then, with weight loss, these same cells grow smaller as their contents get used.

Some Things Never Change

The body’s number of fat cells remains more or less the same once we’re outside of adolescence. While the body is highly adept at destroying damaged cells – roughly one million die every second – fat cells are not lost and regenerated as easily. Keep in mind that some degree of fat is necessary to insulate the body and protect organs.

This is where KB comes into play: by injecting deoxycholic acid under the chin, it immediately attacks and kills fat cells that are otherwise difficult to lose. And it eliminates the unwanted burden of guesswork to reliably refresh your entire appearance.

A Permanent Solution

The body almost never creates additional fat cells. This means new cells will not replace those destroyed by the deoxycholic acid. You can therefore enjoy permanent results once you complete your treatment plan – no touch-ups or maintenance sessions needed.

This is not to say, however, that extra chin padding will never again develop. Deoxycholic acid is highly effective at destroying fat cells, but treatment does not destroy all the fat cells in that area. Those that remain are still capable of storing fat and will expand if you gain weight. It’s therefore crucial you engage in a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise. Your results will then last as long as you maintain a constant weight.

The Number of Treatments Needed

Most patients need several sessions to see optimal results from KB. While the majority of patients undergo at least two sessions, each spaced one to three months apart, you can have up to six treatments total. Some patients see significant changes after four or five treatments, while others are satisfied with three sessions. The point is that treatment can be customized to meet your unique goals.

Generally speaking, your first Kybella session will include multiple units of deoxycholic acid. You’ll then attend a follow-up appointment several weeks later to assess how well you’re responding to treatment. We can provide additional injections in the necessary spots and continue in this same pattern until we reach six sessions or you’re thrilled with your results – whichever comes first.

Explaining Submental Fat

Submental fat is frustrating for a number of reasons, not the least because it doesn’t behave in the same way as fat on the rest of your body. It’s unique in that even the healthiest, thinnest people can have a little padding under their chins. The reasons for this vary from person to person. but one of the most common causes is genetics.

Just as the number of fat cells you possess is determined by genetics, the way those cells store fat is also hereditary. This simply means that based on body chemistry, some people burn fat more quickly than others. And, likewise, some people store fat more easily. If you notice other members of your family with submental fat, you may be more likely to develop it as well.

Personal Weight and Lifestyle

Your body weight also plays a role in the development of submental fat. If you’re heavier than you’d like to be, you’ve likely noticed some definition loss in your chin. Unfortunately, the normal rules of weight loss don’t apply to this area. What we mean is that even with exercise and nutritious foods, your double chin may stubbornly stick. This makes KB all the more game-changing because it can pick up where regular weight loss measures fall short.

It may sound surprising, but lifestyle habits can also contribute to submental fat. To illustrate, a diet rich in fatty foods and sugar makes it easier to gain and store fat. High alcohol consumption has a similar effect. Without regular exercise to burn excess calories, your metabolism will be slower and your body will be more prone to fat storage.

The Unique Nature of KB

Not only is KB nonsurgical, but it’s also noninvasive. This means it’s administered as a simple outpatient treatment that can be completed in under an hour. This is especially attractive to patients who do not want lengthy recoveries associated with surgical procedures like liposuction.

Patients also enjoy very little downtime. You can resume most daily activities, such as work and errands, within 48 hours. Some restrictions need to be followed for two weeks, including no strenuous movements or vigorous exercise, but you can still enjoy walking and other low-impact activities. We’ll discuss restrictions that pertain to you specifically during your consultation.

Little to No Risk of Allergic Reactions

While the deoxycholic acid used in KB is synthetic, it mimics the acid found naturally in the body. You therefore have very little risk of an allergic reaction or other unintended side effects. And KB is FDA-approved for both safety and efficacy, meaning it’s passed rigorous clinical testing. Although this treatment will improve your appearance, it does so with no risk to your health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Many patients want to know how quickly they’ll see results. Deoxycholic acid takes a few weeks to deliver visible improvements because the fat cells must be destroyed. The body must then process them through the lymphatic system and flush them out of the body.

With that said, you will likely see smoother contours within three to four weeks of your first treatment. Those initial results will continue to improve as the fat cells are flushed from your body. This waiting period is a bonus, however, because it gives your skin time to mold around your new contours to produce a smooth, natural look.

Is KB Only for Double Chins?

At this time, yes. Ongoing research suggests that in the future, KB might be cleared to destroy other stubborn fat deposits. But in the meantime, treatment is limited to submental fat.

Eliminate Extra Chin Padding for Good

It’s easy to look in the mirror and think the changes rendered by time cannot be erased. But they can, and thanks to the easy, proven effects of Kybella, you can restore chin contours you might have otherwise thought were lost forever. And the best part is that treatment delivers permanent results. Eliminate chin padding for good; schedule your consultation by contacting the office of Dr. Michael I. Jacobs in New York, NY.

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