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What Is Kybella ?

If you have a double chin, also known as submental fullness, you’re not alone. Both men and women alike suffer from the physical and emotional effects that a double chin can have on their confidence and self-image. At Dr. Michael I. Jacobs Dermatology and Laser Center in New York, NY, we offer a fat-dissolving injectable called Kybella that can eliminate your double chin for good.

What Is Kybella?

Kybella is a prescription medication in an injectable form that contains a powerful, naturally occurring ingredient that kills fat cells below the chin and around the jawline to eliminate your double chin. It contours the jawline and the chin to create an aesthetically pleasing chin profile and, in doing so, will increase your confidence and improve your self-image.

Hollywood’s Best-Kept Secret

There’s a reason that some of your favorite celebrities are slowly transforming their chin profile and jawline. Their not-so-secret weapon is actually Kybella, the cosmetic injectable that eliminates submental fullness. Khloe Kardashian is one of the many celebrities who has used this cosmetic injectable to slowly transform her appearance.

If you’ve ever wondered why many celebrities and public figures don’t suffer from a double chin, this injectable is probably why. Not everyone is genetically predisposed to a sculpted jawline, but thanks to Kybella, there is a way to defy genetics to achieve that contoured look appearance.

How Does It Work?

The main ingredient in Kybella is called deoxycholic acid. This is a naturally occurring acid found in the body, and its primary role is to help break down dietary fat and help the body absorb it. When used in injectable form, this substance can be administered into precise locations beneath the chin and around the jawline to target and dissolve fat cells.

Your body will then gradually eliminate those cells over time. You will notice the slow and steady improvement of your double chin, and your results will keep getting better with each session you schedule.

What Is Deoxycholic Acid?

Deoxycholic acid is technically a bile acid, which is an acid that helps with digestion, fat absorption, and the processing of fat-soluble vitamins. Essentially, deoxycholic acid helps break down fat. When used as the primary ingredient in this injectable, it will break down fat cells, essentially destroying those cells.

Why Kybella?

If your confidence and self-esteem have suffered due to a double chin, this injectable can change everything. Men and women alike are turning to this injectable to not only improve their double chin but restore youth to their face. This injectable can create that any-worthy contoured jawline that may not have been in their genetic predisposition.

The Results Are Gradual

If you are an impatient person, gradual results may seem like a negative, but trust us, it’s definitely a positive. The fact that this cosmetic injectable takes time to work and relies on the body to slowly and gradually eliminate the fat cells from beneath the chin, you’ll never look as though you went and had “something done.”

Instead, your chin profile and jawline will slowly become more sculpted with time. The results will look completely natural yet noticeable. Everyone will wonder what your secret is, and you won’t have to give it away unless you want to.

The Treatments Are Quick

You may need to attend two to four injection appointments to achieve your desired results, but those appointments will be quick. They won’t monopolize your entire day, and you’ll be in and out within minutes.

It Delivers Results

You will see results when you choose this injectable to treat submental fullness and contour your chin and jawline. It’s not a gimmick or a fad but instead relies on a scientific process that’s proven to eliminate fat cells to improve your appearance. You will begin to notice an improvement in the appearance of your double chin within four to six weeks of your initial injection.

There’s No downtime

Invasive procedures designed to remove stubborn fat from the body, like liposuction, are effective, but they also require downtime and a significant recovery period. When you choose this injectable, you won’t have to take time off of work. Instead, you can resume your normal daily activities immediately following your treatment.

It Lets You Spot-Treat Fat

Every dietitian, fitness professional, and personal trainer will be quick to inform you that you cannot spot-treat fat. Fat loss requires a comprehensive approach. However, stubborn fat doesn’t always play by the rules. You can eat the healthiest, cleanest, and most restrictive diet in an attempt to target the fat below your chin and still never see results.

The Stubborn Fat Dilemma

There aren’t many exercises you can do to tone your jawline or chin, at least not any that will make a significant difference in the amount of fat in the area. Even with a consistent workout routine and healthy lifestyle, you may be able to achieve a near-perfect physique but struggle with stubborn fat below your chin.

If this is the case, Kybella can change everything. It allows you to spot-treat fat below the chin and is the only cosmetic injectable approved to do so. Without it, you would have to just live with stubborn fat forever.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Safe?

Not only is this cosmetic injectable an effective way to eliminate a double chin, but it’s also completely safe. It’s been FDA-approved to target and treat stubborn fat cells below the chin and around the jawline. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring acid found in the body. When it’s injected beneath the chin, your body knows how to use it and what to do to help eliminate those fat cells after the injection process is complete.

This treatment doesn’t involve any incisions, liposuction techniques, or sutures to get results. The main ingredient is safe for use in the body and initiates a process and then relies on the body to finish.

What Happens During Treatment?

Like most cosmetic injectable appointments, a Kybella appointment is quick and virtually painless. During the treatment, your injector will sanitize your skin and then administer a series of small injections in specific locations below the chin to effectively target the fat cells in the area. The total number of injections will vary based on your specific goals and your overall treatment plan.

One injection appointment will target and dissolve the stubborn fat beneath the chin, but most patients need two to four sessions to achieve the best results. Patients can undergo a maximum of six sessions in total, with four to six weeks between each.

Am I a Candidate?

If stubborn fat defines the area around your jawline and beneath your chin, giving you a double chin that you can’t treat with a healthy diet and consistent exercise routine, you may be the perfect candidate for this injectable. If you want to define your chin profile and restore youth by contouring the jawline and the surrounding area, you may also qualify as a good candidate.

Candidates must be over the age of 18 and in good health. Some patients will not qualify, including pregnant or nursing women, individuals with an infection in their treatment area, and those with certain medical conditions.

The Importance of an Initial Consultation

The best way to determine your eligibility for this treatment is to schedule an initial consultation with one of our experts. We will discuss your concerns, analyze your problem area in person, and review your medical history at this consultation. Then, we will confirm whether you are a good candidate for the treatment and move forward with the process.

Invest in Your Confidence

If you are living with a double chin, know that there is a solution, and the results can be life-changing. If you’re ready to invest in your confidence and your self-image, our team is here and ready to help. Contact us today at Dr. Michael I. Jacobs Dermatology and Laser Center in New York, NY, and schedule your initial consultation to determine if Kybella is right for you.

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